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Below you will find a list of all of our connect groups. Under each group is the general location, the time and frequency they meet, the leadership of the group, and whether they are open groups that you can join, or because of size are currently closed groups. For more information about Connect Groups please email  Rev. Dr. Tony Stiff.

Open and Closed CONNECT GROUPS

  • Goodyear group #1

    Twice a month on Friday's

    from 6:30-8:30pm

    Leaders: JIm & Arlene Aamot

    Currently a CLOSED GROUP

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  • Goodyear group #2

    Every week on Thursday's

    from 7:00-8:00PM

    Leaders: Pete & Linda Lamphere

    Currently a Closed Group

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  • Goodyear Group #3

    Once a month on the third Saturday from 10:00am-12:00pm

    Leaders: Bob & Norleen Shelton

    Currently an OPen Group

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  • Goodyear Group #4

    Every week on Sunday's

    from 6:00-7:00pm

    Leaders: Bob & Donna Gates

    Currently an Open group

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  • Verrado Group #1

    Every week on thursday's

    from 4:00-6:00pm

    Leaders: Bonnie & Gary Miller

    Currently an Open group

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  • Verrado Group #2

    Every week on Monday's

    from 6:30-7:30pm

    Leaders: Don & Sharon Skundrick

    Currently an Open Group

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  • Surprise Group

    Every week on Monday's

    from 7:00-8:15pm

    Leaders: John & Christine Nannery

    Currently an open group

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